Well, my life is as normal or as abnormal as it could be. What is insane is that I am getting back into blogging and thinking about how time flies.. because two months of my life just flew by without leaving me any clue of what living should be like....and...HOW in the world that my college graduation was TWO months ago??! I miss that day a lotssss!! Excuse my language but the thought of this is fcking making me go insane!!!! If I were to be real honest with you, I have taken my post grad life slowly...real slow, perhaps too slow SMH!!! I haven't applied to a single job after graduation, and that, to me, is more insane. Well, I am making my parents go nuts haha. Anyhow, my (shortest term) goal for now is to apply to as many jobs as I can before another month or week creeps up. And btw, I am now learning to be my own biggest supporter, everything takes time and so I should give myself space and time. Thus, I am wishing myself the best of luck with everything to come.
OH, today is my friend's birthday, so Happy Birthday to this Leo friend of mine :) !
Be the best version of you,